“Zoe”, isn’t that a girl’s name?

Well, yes.  But it’s also a Greek term mentioned in the New Testament referring to “life”.

There are actually three terms used in the New Testament for “life”. They are “bios”, “psuche” and “zoe”.  The first two terms are pretty obvious.  “Bios” refers to one’s physical “life” and “psuche” refers to one’s spirit or personality.  “Zoe” has a deeper, richer and more powerful meaning.  It’s the term used by Jesus as he meets the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well (John 4:5-42).

Here, at this ancient water source where communities have drawn water for generations, Jesus offers the woman “water of life” or “living water”.

Now this “living water” doesn’t only quench one’s physical thirst. Nor does it simply renew one’s vitality or refresh one’s spirit for the day.  This “living water” does a whole lot more.

This “living water” that Jesus offers cuts to the bone.  It breaks through to his lowly woman in a way nothing else has ever done before.  And all of sudden her life is open before Jesus.  Her life is exposed.  The words of life Jesus utters changes this woman.

Friends, Jesus cuts to the bone.  Jesus doesn’t muck around.  He knows us intimately, even better than we know ourselves.  And in doing so, Jesus is aware of our every need.

Moreover, the “life” Jesus offers is a “life’ that renews and transforms.  It’s a “life” that assures us we are all “sons” and “daughters” of God.  It’s a “life” that affirms we are made in God’s image and are, therefore, of incredible value and importance to one who has created us.

Today, as you reflect on this amazing story, remember the “life” Jesus offers is much more than “body” and “spirit”.  The “life” Jesus offers goes to the very core of who we are.  It shatters secrets, it reveals truths and it causes us to see ourselves in a whole new way.

And remember, in doing so this “life” Jesus offers gives hope.  It equips, it guides and it empowers each one of us now and in the future – whatever comes our way!