COVID-Safe Donald Rickard Hall

by weppinguca

We are registered as a Covid-safe workplace. The Donald Rickard Hall is able to be used following approval of a Covid-safe plan. Groups of up to 32 people may use the hall, provided they observe social distancing and practice good hygiene, including hand washing. There are other requirements set out in our Covid-safe plan, so […]

7th Sunday after Pentecost

by weppinguca

Genesis 28:10-19 I wonder which of the parents among us, who have more than one child, would be brave enough to say they had a favourite and name which one it was? In last week’s reading (Genesis 25:19-34) we were told that the parents, Isaac and Rebekah, had favourites.  “Isaac loved Esau, because he was […]

6th Sunday after Pentecost

by weppinguca

Genesis 25:19-34 Remember last week I said that Isaac suffered “middle child syndrome” or middle patriarch syndrome?  Well let me give you some more evidence of this.  This week’s reading, Genesis 25:19-34, is called “the toledot  (generations or descendants) of Isaac” in the Hebrew Bible but biblical commentators usually call it “the Jacob Cycle”.  How […]

5th Sunday after Pentecost

by weppinguca

You have probably heard of middle child syndrome.  Middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order.  I wonder if Isaac would consider himself a victim of ‘middle child syndrome’ or maybe more accurately middle forefathers syndrome?  Isaac is the second of the […]

4th Sunday after Pentecost

by weppinguca

Matthew 10:5-14, 40-42 During this time of Covid-19, I have been reflecting on what it means to be welcoming and hospitable.  I have been asking, how do we do this when we are not physically gathering and are unable to share a meal with each other?  It is a question that many churches are asking […]

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

by weppinguca

Matthew 10:24-39       Rev Tammy Hollands On Thursday I had an ecumenical lunch and it is the first time back to a restaurant since the Covid-19 lockdown.  It was lovely to have a menu put in front of me and I could pick what I wanted and have it served up to me on a […]

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

by weppinguca

Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7 I have a great admiration for people who can speak more than one language and those who try to learn a second language.  I have never been very good at languages.  I find pronouncing words and sounds from other languages very difficult, especially languages that roll their “R”s or have guttural sounds. […]

Trinity Sunday ~ Matthew 18:16-20

by weppinguca

Rev Tammy Hollands This Sunday is Trinity Sunday or as I like to refer to “heresy Sunday”.  It is unusual when compared to other days in the Christian calendar as it is the only day church celebrates a doctrine not an event or a person.  And what a doctrine!  There are multiple analogies to try […]

Pentecost Sunday, Acts 2:1-21 and 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

by weppinguca

Rev Tammy Hollands I came across a post on Facebook this week that said something like: If this, Corona virus, were happening to the ancient Israelites we’d be stuck with an annual holiday where we’d have to stay inside for 50 days. Happy Koronakah!  Such a festival might look like this: Families gather over Zoom […]

Easter 6A John 14:15-21

by weppinguca

Why can’t you always be good?”  These were my words, a few years back, directed at one of my children after they did or said something particularly helpful or nice.  I don’t remember the details of what made me say it but I do remember the response. “I try to be good all the time, […]