Cottage Cafe
Come and join us for a cuppa and a chat! (in the cottage)
Everyone is welcome!
Come and join us for a cuppa and a chat! (in the cottage)
Everyone is welcome!
PASSION ~ a reflection on Holy Week, through the music of Bach, Handel, Pergolesi, Rutter and others
Special speaker will be Amanda Chadwick, the Administrator of the New City of Parramatta Council.
An Evening with Radhika! Ladies come and hear Radhika's story! Bring your friends and neighbours.
A fun day filled with craft and activities for all Primary School Aged Children K to 6 years
Celebrating the past ~ Embracing the future
Guest Preacher: Rev Graeme Gardiner
All welcome to come and hear Nic Newling speak on 'Suicide Prevention: a Lived Experience'
Joy Balazo is involved in an important peace-building program in Mindanao in the southern Philippines
Guest Speaker: Rev Martin Levine 'Sharing your faith'
All Welcome!
at West Epping UC to support Vanuatu and Mwandi OVC projects