Two things are certain in life – death and taxes. But you can actually choose not to pay your taxes. There are consequences. But you can do it. But when it comes to death, there is no getting away with things!

No-one avoids death. Mortality is non-negotiable. Dying is as inevitable as the night follows the day. Indeed, for all the advances and all the successes of humankind, death remains the ultimate barrier. It cannot be overcome. Dying is like hitting a dead end. It’s the decisive “full stop”, the definitive impasse, the conclusive stalemate, the indisputable defeat.

Or is it?

Today we dare to question the inevitability of death. On this Easter morning we dispute the certainty that dying has the last word.

And this is because the tomb where the body of the crucified Jesus was laid is found empty. This is because the crucified Jesus is raised up to appear to his followers as they share a meal with him. This is because the once dead Jesus lives as he speaks to Mary in the garden.

And here we learn an amazing truth. Death is no longer the bogey we think it is. Dying is not the decisive “full stop” we claim it to be.

For today there is good news. This good news declares “death has been swallowed up”. This amazing news says God’s love has burst through the gates of hell. In Christ the ogre of death no longer holds any sway over us!

Easter Day is a day of new beginnings. For here we affirm death is not the final word. Here we proclaim God, the amazing creator, defeats the power of death. Here we declare God, the one who breathed the awesome gift of life into us, promises nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from God’s love.

Taxes may still need to be paid. But death’s curse no longer makes a claim. Though our feeble bodies give up on us, God offers you and me a place in eternity.

So, today, let us boldly declare: “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?

Indeed, let us cry out with joy: “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Amen!

John Barr