“Aim to learn something new every day”.

I was offered this piece of advice many years ago as a young apprentice electrical fitter. I have never forgotten it.

Ministry is very much about learning. We should never think we know it all!

Last Sunday was a significant learning experience for me as we gathered to celebrate our “3 in 1” Service. Allow me to elaborate.

Firstly, ministry is a team effort. God gifts each one of us with different talents. When we come together these diverse talents produce creative, quality outcomes. This was clearly achieved last Sunday!

Secondly, children are an integral part of who we are and what we do. Normally we have a children’s segment in worship after which the children are then “dismissed”. This allows the adults to get on with the “real” business of church.

Last Sunday was different. Here the children took a major part in the communion service with their prayers of thanksgiving and their role in distributing the elements. And they performed these roles beautifully. Here I see that children are not “peripheral”. They have important, if not, central roles to play in worship!

Thirdly, ministry is God’s business. By this I mean it’s important to “let God in”. In other words, one needs to be continually open to the Spirit who comes, often in amazing, unexpected ways, to encourage, enthuse and equip us. I believe space was given last week for God’s Spirit to break in.

Worship at 8.00am also produced some important learnings.

Here it really struck me that church is about family. With the baptism of a young child, West Epping came together as a true family of God. On this point I was deeply moved as the congregation pledged to “maintain the life of worship and service, that this child and all the children among you may grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the knowledge and love of God”.

Every Sunday night I always ask myself the question “what have I learnt today”.

And last Sunday the answer was “heaps”!

John Barr