In some Sydney schools scripture classes have been halved this year due to the introduction of ethics classes. I don’t know how you react to this. But it’s clear a new generation is on the rise who will have little or no awareness of faith.

In the 1950’s and 1960’s I remember being warned about the evils of “atheistic communism”.

Well communism has had little impact on our liberal free-enterprise society. But “atheism” seems to be on the rise!

The prospect of living in a community without faith is very real. For some children references to “God” or “Christ” are expressed or discerned these days in the context of cursing or in the use of coarse language.
What does this mean and how do we respond to this challenge?

All of us seem to be so busy these days. But, when you think about it, most of us get by. There is food on table and we have some money in the bank. Most of us can even afford a nice holiday each year.
So, is faith really that important? Do we really need to make time to worship God? Is it important to gather regularly as a people with a common commitment to the truth of the Gospel?

Today we read a story about an old man of faith by the name of Simeon and an old woman of faith by the name of Anna. They are sitting in the precincts of the ancient temple in Jerusalem and here they recognise the child Jesus as the one who comes to save us. Simeon and Anna recognise Jesus as the one God sends to love, to nurture and to transform us.

As 2014 is well underway, how do you bear witness to God’s amazing gift to the world? It this gift really important to you? And what are you going to do about it in the months ahead?

John Barr