Do you know that we have been given the most important task in the world?

Our calling is to bear witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. This Good News says God loves us. Indeed God loves each one of us so much that God is even prepared do whatever it takes to get this message across…… even die for us!

Now that’s pretty awesome. To be wanted like that is quite special. To be loved like that is really mind blowing!

God reaches out to us in two ways. Firstly God takes on our humanity in Jesus to become one with us. Secondly, God sends God’s spirit to encourage, enliven and equip us to be God’s people in the world.

Now this is really important. Let me say it’s the most important thing we will ever encounter and it’s the most important thing we will ever be called to do.

On 15th November we will gather for our 60th Anniversary. This involves celebrating the past. And it also involves embracing the future.

West Epping has a significant past. On this day we will acknowledge and we will celebrate the contribution of many “saints” over the past six decades.

But what about the future? How are we going to proclaim this Good News of God’s love over the next sixty years?

The Epping-Carlingford region is undergoing massive change. We are facing radically new challenges as this region moves from a predominantly Anglo middle-class suburban context to a multicultural, aspirational, high density urban environment.

Here the old ways of doing things will most likely not work. We need to be open to what God is saying to us now.

Here I believe we are facing one of the most challenging and difficult times ever. It’s a daunting time. But it’s also exciting!

Are we ready to stop and listen to what God is saying to us? And are we prepared to move on?

We have a marvellous Gospel to proclaim. My greatest hope and my sincerest longing is that we will travel together in obedience to this great calling.

The future awaits us – let’s move on in the joy of God’s love. Let’s get going in the power of God’s spirit!

John Barr