Today we focus on the remarkable story of Mary and Martha. We read this in Luke 10:38-42.

Mary and Martha are sisters. But that’s where the similarity ends, it seems.

Mary is cool and collected. Martha is anxious and distracted. And this becomes particularly obvious as Jesus is welcomed into their home.

Mary welcomes the Lord as she quietly sits at his feet. Martha runs around in the house getting things organized. This no doubt involves the preparation of food as every Middle Eastern household is obliged to offer hospitality to an honoured guest.

Poor Martha. I feel she comes out of this story quiet badly as she is clearly upstaged by her sister, Mary. This is especially so as Jesus chastens Martha for her flustering.

Are we meant to laugh at the industrious, task-oriented Martha while affirming the pious, attentive Mary? Is this story a victory for those who are calm, collected and focused while those who rush, are anxious and are little impatient about life miss out?

I think not.

Like most of stories we read in the Gospels there are layers of meaning here. And as I reflect on this precious story there are two things that come to mind.

Firstly, this is a story about hospitality. It says quite clearly hospitality does not always have to involve us “doing” things for others. Real hospitality can be offered simply by being attentive, by listening and by learning from those we receive.

Secondly, the story of Mary and Martha is a revolutionary one. In Jesus’ day sitting at feet of a Rabbi was strictly men’s business. Women belonged in the kitchen away from the conversation. But here we witness Mary subverting all this – and Jesus complements her!

In this story Martha represents the status-quo. Mary represents the new community that is empowered and made free in the love of Christ.

Today as you ponder the story of Mary and Martha remember the greatest offering we can make to Jesus is to sit attentively at his feet.

And don’t forget that everything about Jesus is revolutionary. He comes to turn the world upside down and, in doing so, Jesus liberates both women and men!

John Barr